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ranch Way of life

7practices of
the ranch way of life


The rancho el camino
way of life

The Rancho el Camino Way of Life is made up of 7 core values or spiritual disciplines upon which we seek to build our lives, cultivate the culture of the Ranch, and help people encounter the presence of God. It is not intended to replace existing personal times or individual ways in which people choose to connect to God or be a specific liturgy of worship for the Ranch. Rather it is a simple framework for which we seek to build our lives and culture of the Ranch. The Rancho el Camino Way of Life is structured around 7 core spiritual disciplines which we seek to exemplify in all that we do.

Download the ranch way of life

Download the full Ranch Way of Life to read more about what is a Way of Life, how we use it, and how you can use it in your context.

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